
During individual coaching sessions a plan evolves, taking into account challenges, blocks and goals, while working on the whole leader using targeted skill development, mind/body integration and the practical application of psychology, somatic, martial arts, equine therapy and neuroscience expertise. We often use a Leadership Circle 360 feedback instrument to gather data from stakeholders to clarify areas for development.  Areas of focus include embodied leadership (breath, stance, alignment, personal power and presence), team development exercises and dynamics, mental agility, stamina, social intelligence and emotional resilience. Leaders learn to manage their time and energy more effectively, approach challenges with effortless grace, overcome and recover quickly from setbacks, truly elevate their game. The work is high impact and transformative, unleashing latent capabilities, answering that call to compelling greatness with far-reaching consequences for personal and professional achievement.  For work emphasizing team development we use the Leadership Circle "Leadership Culture" survey to help the team identify their strengths and areas they want to strengthen.

Retreats are where the intensive teamwork happens, usually over three days, in a highly engaging process, designed to grow individuals and bring out the best in a group. Retreat participants take the ferry to Jempe Center on Whidbey Island, in Washington State, where John McConnell and Virginia Rhoads live. It’s an idyllic spot on 14 acres of pasture and forest (Virginia takes one of the horses to pick up the morning newspaper while the morning tea’s brewing) and ideally situated for slowing down, examining motives, receiving feedback and returning to the office with a solid game plan and new stellar skills to put it into play.  Jempe Center retreats have also landed in Ecuador on a dirt airstrip, then taken a canoe deep into the Amazon jungle. They’ve trekked through the mountains of Patagonia, had powerful breakthroughs in mystical India and sailed the Puget Sound on a 133-foot hundred year old schooner (and National Historic Landmark) called the Adventuress, where the tides, sea-life and bracing air awaken participants from the corporate grind of quarterly results, to address what’s really going on, and make significant and long-lasting changes.  

Pricing: Jempe Center works in partnership with clients who are ready to make a commitment to creating sustainable results in a combination of 1:1 coaching (in-person, phone and video conference) and team retreats.  Contact us to explore the fit between your needs and our services and to learn our pricing structure.

To learn more about our perspective on how to select a coach, getting the most out of coaching, and more, listen to John's recent interview on the Career Cue Podcast.